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How to make your indoor herb garden flourish

How to make your indoor herb garden flourish

Do you feel that you’re finally ready to commit to an indoor herb garden? If so, we’re here to give you some tips.

Kudos to you if you’re one of those ambitious people who keep buying potted Basil and hope to keep it alive for longer than a week. Failure is the first step in the process of making your indoor herb garden flourish. First of all, there are no shortcuts in growing your own herbs, so give up on the idea of bringing our Asda Ben the Basil back to life. Get some seeds and little pots and get stuck in!

You can either separate your herbs in individual pots or mix them all together in one big container. You can even get creative and use an old wheelbarrow – it’s up to you. The only thing to note is that not all herbs require the same care, which is why it is best to combine herbs with the same care regime in the same planter or herb bed. Mediterranean herbs such as rosemary, thyme, lavender, oregano and sage enjoy full sun and not too much water. Basil, chives, and parsley, on the other hand, prefer drinking a little more.

indoor herb garden ideas

If you are new to herb-growing, we recommend taking it slowly and focus on one herb at a time. Here’s our list of the most usable herbs and tips on how to make them flourish.

  1. Mint

Mint is incredibly resilient and easy to grow, so it’s a great choice for any beginner. You can grow it from seed or from a sprouted stem – simply pop it in any soil and all you need to do is water. Regular watering is really the only maintenance mint needs, as with most plants its best to plant in the Spring. The only thing to note is that there are quite a few different types of mint: some of them don’t get along, some aren’t suitable for cooking, so it’s best to double-check the right mint before buying.

     2. Basil

Basil must the most popular choice when it comes to having a little kitchen pet plant and giving it a name. Oh, this herb also goes well with salads, pasta, marinades, and almost everything else that involves cooking. This is one herb you don’t want to kill! The first tip is that basil loves the sun – it needs at least six hours of sunlight a day to reach its full Basilian potential, so make sure to place it in a sunny spot, preferably facing south. Basil is not tolerant of over watering, make sure the pot provides adequate drainage. Whilst the soil should be kept somewhat moist, it should never be soggy the roots are prone to rotting and your beloved Ben the Basil will die.

Read more re Gardening Know How: Information On How To Grow Basil Indoors

       3. Thyme

Have you ever tried a fresh thyme tea with some honey? If you haven’t you’re in for a treat. Dried thyme is usually quite bitter and has a particularly strong flavour. However, fresh thyme has a completely different taste that reminds you of sweet summer days… Originally from the Mediterranean, thyme thrives in well-drained soil that’s low in nutrients. Planting it in full sun brings the essential oils to the surface of the leaves which helps give it a great flavour. Essentially drought-loving, thyme needs protection from cold winds and wet winters.

       4. Parsley

No indoor herb garden is complete without parsley. First, you need to make a choice whether you want it to be the curly leaf or the flat-leaf. The difference between the two is curly-leaf parsleys work well for cooking and add a gorgeous deep green dimension to ornamental flowerbeds., while the flat-leaf parsleys include Italian types that taste sweet and strong, with a flavour recommended for cooked dishes. Place indoor parsley pots in the brightest light possible water is a crucial element for keeping parsley happy. If you let the soil go too dry, the plant withers and dies. But don’t go overboard with the watering or the roots will rot, best to water them little by little and see how they like it.

indoor herb garden iseas

If you’re feeling particularly adventurous and want to have an indoor herb garden that stands out from everybody else’s – try our Hydro Herb Grow Kits!

They give you the chance to easily grow the herb in your own home without the need for soil, or even a garden. Stylish, functional, and eco-friendly. All the parts of the Hydro Grow Kit are either recycled and recyclable or biodegradable. All the nutrients your plant needs will come from the certified organic growth solution provided. Great-tasting herbs, whenever you need them.

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